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VIDEO: The Origin Of The Fire Remains Unknown

Do you know what news stories are the MOST important?... The ones you never see or hear about on mainstream media!

Do you know what news stories are the MOST important?... The ones you never see or hear about on mainstream media!

Those are the most important news stories to know about. They're the stories that the psychopath billionaires don't want you to know about. They want their new world order depopulation agenda carried out. And so far, they're doing it...

Bet you haven't heard about the volume of processing plants and growers of our food system that have been destroyed since the criminal cabal usurped power in DC in 2020.

Here's a LONG list of loss of food for the American people alone. It's happening all over the world too. 

Pork, beef, ducks, turkeys and LOTS of chickens (as in MILLIONS of chickens) and egg laying farms... dairy farms, turkeys, lots of turkeys too.

Where do you think the money will come from To even begin to rebuild these plants and these farms? Take a guess how long of a delay it will be before they can even produce food enough for anyone to eat again? If they even could rebuild and get back into production...

This isn't a big problem it's a catastrophic problem especially is the population from illegal immigration continues to escalate into the This isn't a big problem.... it's a catastrophic problem, especially as the population from illegal migrants flooding in continues to escalate into the 25 million range already.

Did you see this in the news? One of the US’s Largest Chicken Farms Goes Up in Flames... 

Will this fire will revive suspicions that the food supply is being deliberately targeted? I doubt it b/c most people never hear about it.

The Illinois poultry farm had over a million chickens. The fire happened last Wednesday night, causing massive loss of animal life and extensive damage to the property. The cause is undetermined at present, but the blaze will likely revive suspicions that the food supply is being deliberately targeted.

More than 27 fire departments from the local area were there trying to get the fire out.

The smoke was so heavy that it was picked up on Doppler radar, reaching between 13,000 and 15,000 feet in the air, and could be seen from over 20 miles away. Officials said there is no determination yet of what may have caused the fire, and it is currently under investigation no one was injured but millions of chickens are confirmed to be dead The farm was totally destroyed. 

My favorite line in all these stories about burned to the ground processing plants and livestock farms is what they said in this one too... The cause of the fire has yet to be determined, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Department. OR they say, The Origin Of The Fire Remains Unknown

Yeah, and they probably always will be. I have not heard in one of these stories that they said what the cause was. And even if they did tell us, how can we believe them? 

Guess where this is going? It's a perfect set up after the rider on the red horse takes peace from the Earth and causes people to slaughter each other. Look at it with me. 

Then another horse went out, a fiery red one, and its rider was allowed to take peace from the earth, so that people would slaughter one another. And a large sword was given to him. When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and there was a black horse. Its rider held a set of scales in his hand. Then I heard something like a voice among the four living creatures say, “A quart of wheat for a days wages and three quarts of barley for a denarius, but do not harm the oil and the wine.” Revelation 6:4-6

If you're waiting for your pastor to tell you that you need to be prepared for what's coming, many of them will never tell you because they don't want to stop the money flow into their coffers. They'll keep preaching the prosperity doctrine to you, the pre-tribulation doctrine, they'll tell you that God wants you to be happy doctrine, but they won't warn you or preach the truth about what's coming. 

Why is it that the angel of the Lord Jesus Christ told John to write it down for us to know? 

I've been telling people to buy emergency food and I've had resistance from so-called Christians replying with, "you're just trying to make money" and I'll just pray and trust God that He'll provide everything I need. People who say that do not understand, faith, wisdom, or listening when God shows them danger ahead.

If you're a person who can't see the dangers ahead, and the food shortages that the word of God tells us are coming... then I can't help you.

If you're someone who has never prepared and you realize now you need to........ go to "prepare with think about it dot com" and take advantage of the great pricing. That's prepare with think about it dot com.

And even more importantly, if you've never prepared for eternity, I leave a link in the description box below, that will help lead you in a simple prayer to receive, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are entering, what Jesus called the beginning of sorrows, and I can tell you this........ no one will be immune from what's ahead. 

If you've given your life to Christ, it's time to know him better and better by daily prayer and studying his word. 

Don't waste your time on social media and watching stupid TV shows and movies..... The beginning of sorrows is here and it's going to increase, and the only way you'll have the strength to endure is by the power, and Grace of Almighty God and His Holy Spirit in you.

 Think about it. 

Think About It
“Think About It” is all about you hearing the facts and then breaking free from the lies to make your own reasonable choices. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>